Sunday 1 July 2007

MY proposed Notice of Motion

I promised to add my proposed notice of motion, to this blog. I had been in discussion with my County Councillor, Ken Rowlands and thought he would show me his Notice of Motion (NoM) to see if I was happy with it, before submitting it. I since learned that it had alreay been submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council, so I sent his a letter, dated 27.6.07, giving numerous facts and my proposed "draft" NoM.

This letter was ALSO e-mailed to the Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council and an acknowledgement has been received from Denise Dawes (PA to the Chief Executive and Cabinet Support Officer). A hard copy was also sent to the Leader, by snail mail,

My NoM draft is as follows:

"That Pembrokeshire County Council approaches the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) to discuss the future of the Cleddau Bridge, with a view to negotiating terms acceptable to both parties, to transfer ownership to the Welsh Assembly. The ultimate aim being to abolish tolls paid by motorists, thus further benefitting economic development within Pembrokeshire.

In order to achieve this, Council instructs the Chief Executive (or another named Officer?) to bring a full report to the next meeting of Full Council to include:-

1. The financial implications to thisCouncil, in regard to the effect on the Revenue Account; outstanding debt; and any compensation that would be sought from the WAG for transferring the ownership of this asset, to their control.
2. Assurances required from the WAG regarding the future maintenance and upkeep of the Cleddau Bridge, once ownership is transferred.
3. An assurance that tolls will be abolished once the bridge becomes the responsibilty of the Welsh Assembly, thus ensuring the freedom of movement within Pembrokeshire. Once the Cleddau Bridge is transferred to the WAG, all future works would be paid out of generaltaxation.
4. Other highway, staffing andlegal issues - including, the possible trunking of the roads either side of the Cleddau Bridge.
5. Approaches to be made to the County's AM's and MP's, to get their full support and co-operation, to work with the Council to make necessary representations at the Assembly, the Welsh Office and Parliament.
6. Details on discussions on the above matter, with the Welsh Assembly.

I hope this is informative. I have put this into the open arena as there's no reason to keep this secret from anyone. I believe in total openness as thats how I have operated in the past, when I was a Town and District Councillor.


C.A.T.S. said...

Hi....We here at Pembroke Dock Community Web Project are pleased to be supporting your position...When we first heard of your petition we added a link from our site...Plus we are now pleased to have added a link to your blog...Good Luck

Andrew Project Co-Ordinator

Andrew C. Lye said...

I know you have and I thank you for this. I feel like a one man band against the world.
But I am not afraid of sticking my head above the parapet and be counted.
Having been married for almost 20 years, I can take on Pembrokeshire County Council, the Welsh Assembly and Al Queada.