Sunday 22 July 2007

Stephen Crabb MP & Paul Davies AM

I have just sent an e-mail to my MP and AM as I have still not received any acknowledgement or reply to my e-mail of 31st May, whereby I asked for their support.

I trust its an administrative oversight by both elected representatives.

I am also writing to the Leader of the County Council to clarify some issues in the report in this week's Western Telegraph (page 9, 18.7.07). I would hate to think the Council may be backpeddling on its initial response in the media, a month or two back. I would also hate to think Cllr Adams has been misquoted by the media (the last occasion being on Dragon's Eye, allegedly). I would also hate to think that a campaign is being orchestrated to create fear in the eye's of the public.

My petition clearly states that tolls should be lifted (by PCC or WAG) and any maintenance comes out of general taxation.

According to the Western Telegraph, PCC are alleging that tolls would still be in place if the WAG took the Bridge over. They also go on about removing the toll over the Cleddau Bridge will lead to calls to remove tolls on the Severn Bridges?

Huh? The Severn Bridges border England AND Wales, whereas the Cleddau Bridge is well within Wales by some 115 miles (approx).

Are these scare tactics? I trust and hope not! If so, they are fairly pathetic.

I would respond by saying that if the WAG propose to keep tolls on the Cleddau Bridge, they ought to treat the rest of Wales equally and introduce tolls on bridges throughout Wales. we can't have one rule for Pembrokeshire and another for the rest of Wales!

If this petition is to be discredited, please try and do a better job!

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